Its that time of year again, the season is slowing down and the volume of cars driving on the M5 Southbound on a Friday afternoon are starting to recede. That means that people are making that one last trip to close up their little escapes in the country, or their beachside retreats, ready for the winter.
Statistics suggest that there were an additional 4000 homes converted into Holiday Homes during the Covid19 pandemic, namely due to the difficulty of getting abroad, as well as the ease and practicality of a staycation.
We now enter the season where these holiday homes get a lick of paint, a redecoration and getting all ready for a shiny new summer, and many holiday home-owners may be wondering whether they can achieve more with their space. Well, that's where we can help.
We offer initial design consultation packages perfect for people looking to add a bit of character, extend and add more space, or maybe some fundamental layout changes to maximise space or light into the property. We are experts in design. Offering creative, functional, realistic and beautiful proposals. From initial sketches through to working together to source that perfect wallpaper, we can help you every step of the way.
So, if you are in the situation where you have a holiday home you'd like to improve, but are hesitant as to where to start, please get in touch with one of our team, we'd love to help.
